Coolmate Rebranding X in-house
Dragon Capital new logo and visual identity X Sedgwick Richardson
Saigon South International School (SSIS) new logo and visual identity
Golden Gate Group new logo and visual identity
Vietcap new name, logo and visual identity X Rice Studios
Phan Dang Hoang new logo and visual identity X Creatalk
BIDV new logo and identity
Hikari new logo and identity designed X Rice
Ho Chi Minh City Metro new logo and identity
Finhay new logo and identity X InSpace Creative
Shopee Food Mobile App Sub-Branding
Gojek lands in Vietnam after merging their hyperlocal unit GoViet
GIONG cafe logo, identity, and packaging X gm creative
Lá Lành latest logo and identity X Rice Studios
Phong Vũ new logo and identity
Hung Thinh Corporation new logo and identity X Bratus
Tbd Construction new logo and identity X the lab Saigon
Masterise Homes new logo and visual identity X Sedgwick Richardson
MB Bank gets new logo and Identity X Prophet X CAAY
STADA Vietnam relaunched as STELLA Pharma X Bratus
HABECO new logo and identity were designed in-house with help from Dentsu Vietnam
Leman Jewelry latest logo and identity X M — N Associates
LienVietPostBank logo and visual identity
Hoa Phat Group new logo and identity X Dentsu Vietnam