Vinamilk case study

The shelves of grocery stores are a battleground for attention, and Vinamilk's latest design for its Nutrition Milk product line emerges as a clear victor. With a focus on health and vitality, the Vinamilk 3 Healthy Packed Milk range has been redesigned to convey its wealth of nutrients and value directly to the consumer, achieving a synergy between functional communication and appealing visuals.

Vinamilk nutrition milk product packaging X Studio Duy and Megan Bowker

This new range offers a selection of five products tailored to various preferences and dietary requirements—no sugar, low sugar, with sugar, strawberry, and chocolate—each distinguished by a unique color code. The packaging eschews complexity in favor of clarity; the 220ml bags are an affordable option for families seeking quality nutrition.

Vinamilk nutrition milk product packaging X Studio Duy and Megan Bowker

One of the most notable changes in the packaging is the departure from the cow imagery that previously adorned the packets. This shift tackles a fundamental design challenge—the ability to quickly distinguish between fresh milk and nutrition milk products. Vinamilk's new design emphasizes a typographic approach, displaying the most important product attributes front and center. Circular stamps boldly announce Vitamin A content and other nutritional information, simplifying the consumer's decision-making process on the crowded shelves.

Furthermore, the packaging design maintains the brand’s vibrant, color-coded approach, ensuring that while it stands apart from the 100% fresh milk line, it still resonates with the brand's overarching visual identity. Instead of horizontal lines, the nutrition milk products feature a distinctive checkered pattern. This pattern employs a mix of dark and light shades from the same color family, creating an eye-catching effect that draws consumer attention.

Vinamilk nutrition milk product packaging X Studio Duy and Megan Bowker
Vinamilk nutrition milk product packaging X Studio Duy and Megan Bowker

By adopting a checkered motif as the key visual across all product communication and packaging, Vinamilk guarantees that its nutrition milk line is instantly recognizable. This design strategy not only enhances the product's shelf presence but also reinforces the brand's commitment to delivering healthful products in a way that consumers can easily understand and appreciate.

Vinamilk nutrition milk product packaging X Studio Duy and Megan Bowker

Vinamilk’s approach in repackaging the 3 Healthy Packed Milk is a testament to the brand's sensitivity to consumer needs and shopping behaviors. Through thoughtful design, the brand successfully demarcates its various offerings, allowing each product to shine in its own right while contributing to a cohesive brand story that prioritizes health, vitality, and accessibility for all.

Project NAme
Vinamilk nutrition milk
Associated Brand
Publish date
Jul 2023
Project Type
Product Line
color palette
Design by