Bát Tràng Museum case study

As part of the comprehensive rebranding of the Bát Tràng Museum, led by M — N Associates, a unique and culturally rich element was introduced: the custom typeface MN Vũ Thắng. This typeface was not just a functional tool for communication but a crucial piece in expressing the museum's revamped identity.

MN Vũ Thắng, Bát Tràng Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

At the core of the MN Vũ Thắng typeface was the ambition to infuse the spirit and craftsmanship of the renowned National Artist Vũ Thắng into every character. M — N Associates, understanding the integral role of typography in brand identity, embarked on a creative journey to embody the essence of traditional Bat Trang ceramics. The typeface was meticulously designed to incorporate various shapes of ceramic jars, a fundamental aspect of Vũ Thắng’s art, into its structure. Each inktrap within the font was a miniature work of art, echoing the 'pottery-shoes-soul' theme that Vũ Thắng was known for.

MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

This endeavor was not just about creating a typeface but about capturing the Vietnamese pottery soul within each letter. The team at TYPE Associates, along with Gydient, a forward-thinking art and design director from Vietnam, engineered a typeface that was both visually striking and deeply meaningful. The collaboration resulted in a font that was more than a mere collection of letters; it was a narrative medium that carried the legacy of Bat Trang’s ceramics.

MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates
MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

The typography team, faced the challenge of balancing contemporary design with historical significance. The MN Vũ Thắng typeface achieved this by blending modern aesthetics with traditional elements. The innovative inktrap designs, inspired by pottery artwork, and the unique Vietnamese letter accents, influenced by pottery tools, were significant in achieving this harmony.

MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates
MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

The typeface was a pivotal component in positioning the Bát Tràng Museum towards a contemporary vibe while preserving its rich heritage. Every text using the MN Vũ Thắng font became a reminder of the museum's history and the artistry it celebrates. This typographic choice elevated the museum's brand identity, ensuring that each written word was an embodiment of the museum's story and cultural significance.

MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates
MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

All in all, the creation of the MN Vũ Thắng typeface was a testament to the power of typography in branding. M — N Associates and their collaborators succeeded in crafting a typeface that was not only visually compelling but also rich in cultural narrative, making it an integral part of the Bát Tràng Museum's new identity.

MN Vu Thang, Bat Trang Museum Custom Typeface X M — N Associates

Project NAme
MN Vũ Thắng
Associated Brand
Bát Tràng Museum
Publish date
Dec 2021
Project Type
Custom Typeface
color palette
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Design by
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Bát Tràng Museum Case study

Typography under Type Associates | Type Concept: Duy — N & M — Lan | Type Design: Duy — N, Gydient | Type Engineer: Gydient