Vinamilk case study

Vinamilk, Vietnam's leading dairy brand, has taken a significant step in identity design with the introduction of a custom typeface, crafted in collaboration with Studio DUY and Yellow Type Foundry. This pioneering project gave birth to three exclusively designed letter sets: Vinamilk Display, Vinamilk Standard, and Vinamilk Text, creating an entirely tailor-made typographic system that articulates the brand's identity with remarkable precision and style.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry

The initiative did not stop with only custom typefaces; it goes beyond with refined typographic approaches and compositions. Iconography, circular stamps, and other design elements are being used throughout the brand's touchpoints, such as packaging and the website. The visual language of Vinamilk is now more compelling, thanks to these creative fonts that reveal the brand’s personality in full spectrum. The bespoke typefaces embody a 'hybrid' font concept, a seamless blend of nostalgia and contemporary design.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry

The serifs of the main font pay homage to a bygone era, imparting a sense of tradition and reliability. In contrast, the sans-serif elements inject a modern, minimalist aesthetic that speaks to innovation and forward-thinking. The sorting of Vietnamese letters in the fonts is crucial for communication, allowing Vinamilk to integrate local character into style.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry

The first style is Vinamilk Display, a typeface that is as commanding as it is eloquent. Developed for high-impact, the Display variant speaks in a voice that is unapologetically bold and determined. It’s the frontrunner in Vinamilk's visual communications, perfectly suited for capturing attention and making a strong impression in an oversaturated market. Whether it's on billboards or digital banners, Vinamilk Display is designed to make a statement that resonates with strength and confidence.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry

Complementing the Display's audacious character is the Vinamilk Standard. This typeface is the workhorse of the trio, ensuring that the brand’s more subdued communications are delivered with clarity and purpose. Its generous letterforms convey a sense of warmth and nurture, mirroring Vinamilk's role as a caretaker in the lives of its consumers. The Standard typeface is versatile, legible, and inherently familiar, echoing the brand's commitment to being a wholesome nurturer within the community.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry

Rounding out the typographic system is Vinamilk Text. Crafted for lengthy narratives and detailed communication, the Text variant offers impeccable readability across all platforms. It facilitates the brand’s storytelling, allowing Vinamilk to share its values and heritage without linguistic barriers. The multilingual capabilities of this typeface reflect a brand that is inclusive and attuned to the diverse voices of its customers.

Vinamilk's new custom typeface is not just a step in rebranding but a leap into a future where its voice can be as dynamic and multifaceted as the brand itself. This harmonious combination of tradition and modernity in Vinamilk's typographic system is more than just a stylistic choice—it's a strategic tool that resonates with the brand's evolution, striking the perfect balance between being a brave challenger and a comforting nurturer in the competitive dairy industry.

Vinamilk Vietnam brands custom typeface X Studio Duy & Yellow Type Foundry
Project NAme
Vinamilk Vietnam Typeface
Associated Brand
Publish date
Jul 2023
Project Type
Custom Typeface
color palette
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