Eggyolk case study

In the realm of branding, Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection exemplifies how integrating brand identity with cultural values and environmental responsibility can create a meaningful customer experience. Through sustainably crafted tableware and merchandise packaging, the Hands Collective-led initiative goes beyond simple coffee service to connect customers with the rich Vietnamese heritage.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

Crafted by artisans from the famous Bat Trang Ceramic Village in Hanoi, Vietnam, the collection includes egg coffee sets, mugs, and ceramic plates designed to mimic the shape and color of egg yolks. These items are not only a nod to Eggyolk Coffee’s signature offerings but also a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, blending tradition with the brand’s ethos of energy and positivity. Each piece, hand-made with attention to materials and techniques, ensures hygiene, safety, and sustainability, perfectly aligning with Eggyolk’s commitment to quality and environmental stewardship.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective
Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

This initiative showcases Eggyolk Coffee’s dedication to enhancing the dining experience, making every sip and bite a celebration of Vietnamese culture and sustainable practices. Through this thoughtful approach, Eggyolk Coffee not only sets a standard for quality and creativity in the industry but also deepens its connection with the community, inviting them to partake in a journey that respects both heritage and the planet.

Eggyolk Coffee’s approach to packaging these ceramic treasures with the help of the Hands Collective team is where the brand’s commitment to sustainability shines brightly. In an era where environmental concerns are paramount, the brand has meticulously designed its packaging to reflect a deep respect for the planet. By adopting a minimalist design, Eggyolk Coffee significantly reduces the usage of ink and paper, emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly practices in every aspect of their branding.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

In naming each item—such as the "Hatching Happiness" egg coffee set, "Cupful of Energy" mugs, and "A Plateful of Sunshine" for the egg yolk plates—Eggyolk Coffee deepens the connection between the merchandise and their intended experience. This strategy, combined with eco-conscious packaging, sets the brand apart, demonstrating how thoughtful design and a commitment to sustainability can enrich the customer experience, reflecting Eggyolk Coffee’s values and inspiring a community of coffee enthusiasts who value both quality and environmental responsibility.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

This innovative packaging strategy goes beyond mere aesthetics. The structural design of the packaging ingeniously eliminates the need for adhesive, incorporating a unique unboxing experience that mirrors the action of cracking an egg—a thoughtful nod to the brand's signature offering. This not only enhances the customer experience but also aligns perfectly with the brand’s narrative, making each unboxing a memorable moment that underscores Eggyolk Coffee's dedication to creativity and sustainability.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

Inside each package, straw—an agricultural byproduct often overlooked—serves a dual purpose. It acts as a protective layer for the ceramics, safeguarding them during transportation without resorting to plastic wraps. This choice tackles two environmental issues simultaneously: it provides a use for straw that might otherwise be burned, contributing to air pollution, and it eliminates the need for synthetic packaging materials. Eggyolk Coffee's innovative use of straw not only demonstrates the brand’s ingenuity but also its commitment to finding sustainable solutions that benefit the environment.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective
Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

Moreover, the Hands Collective team has envisioned a second life for the packaging, encouraging customers to repurpose the boxes as nursery growing bags. The straw, once a protective cushion, becomes a tool for moisture retention, supporting plant growth. Over time, as the straw decomposes, it transforms into organic fertilizer, completing a cycle of sustainability that begins with packaging and ends with giving back to the earth. This forward-thinking approach not only enhances the brand experience but also educates and inspires customers to participate in sustainable practices.

All in all, Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection and innovative packaging, orchestrated with Hands Collective's insight, encapsulate a holistic approach to branding that marries cultural reverence with environmental consciousness. The brand's meticulous merchandise packaging strategy, emphasizing minimal waste and utilizing agricultural byproducts, not only elevates the unboxing experience but also advocates for eco-friendly solutions. This initiative reflects Eggyolk Coffee's broader mission to influence the industry positively, showcasing how dedication to quality, creativity, and environmental stewardship can harmonize to forge a meaningful and lasting connection with the community.

Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection, a branded Merchandise with eco-friendly packaging X Hands Collective

Strategy Director: Thinh Nguyen | Design Director: Giang Nguyen | Designer: Hieu Pham | Strategist: Hanh Nguyen | Producer: Nam Nguyen, VPack | Photography: Oni Production

Project NAme
Eggyolk Coffee's ceramic collection
Associated Brand
Publish date
Feb 2022
Project Type
Branded Merchandise
color palette
Design by
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